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For Sale 2020 Venturo ET 18KX Craine 4500lb

For Sale 2020 Venturo ET 18KX Craine 4500lb

For Sale 2020 Venturo ET 18KX Craine 4500lb Max Capacity18,000 ft/lbs Rating
8ft to 16ft Boom Extension  4ft Power Extension 4ft Manual Extension
80ft of 5/16” Wire Rope Overload Shutoff System
Anti-Two Blocking 25ft Plug-In Remote Control Pendant
Radio Remote Controls w/ Onboard Diagnostic System
Adjustable Boom Rest 18” to 26” 

Location: Corsicana, TX
Sale price: $12,000

For Sale 2020 Venturo ET 18KX Craine 4500lb Max Capacity18,000 ft/lbs Rating
8ft to 16ft Boom Extension 4ft Power Extension 4ft Manual Extension
80ft of 5/16” Wire Rope Overload Shutoff System
Anti-Two Blocking 25ft Plug-In Remote Control Pendant
Radio Remote Controls w/ Onboard Diagnostic System
Adjustable Boom Rest 18” to 26”

Location: Corsicana, TX
Sale price: $12,000

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm EST


Fax: 631-462-7581

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